Baker Snow and Ice Management is South and West Fargo’s Premier Residential Snow Removal Provider. Adopting practices often found in Canada, we clear your snow all winter for one low price.

Unlike most companies, we use tractors with snowblowers that blow the snow evenly across the yard. This means no large snow piles blocking visibility and no turf damage often caused by pickup mounted snowplows.

So why choose us? We take the guessing out of the cost of snow removal, pay once and stay warm inside. Second, we’re in your area. Chances are we service your neighbor or someone on your street, we keep our routes tight and dense, so you receive timely service. Finally, our equipment. Gone are the days of plow trucks leaving piles, our tractor mounted snowblowers eliminate these piles and save your yard.


What is your season?
Our season runs from

What area(s) do you service?
We service the West and South Fargo area.

When will my driveway be cleared?
We clear properties once snowfall accumulation has reach 1 or 2 inches, depending on your contract.

Do I need to call you each time?
No, once you are signed up, you are added to our route and will be serviced each time.

What do you use to clear the snow?
We use tractors with inverted snowblowers that blow the snow as they drive forward. They don’t leave piles and cause yard damage like pickups with plows.

Do I need to stake my property?
No, you do not, we will supply and place the stakes.

When is payment due?
Payment must be made in full before the start of the season.

Do you offer city sidewalk service?
Yes, we do, city sidewalks can be added for an additional charge.

How do I sign up?
You can sign up online at bakersnowandice.com. Calls or emails are welcome for any other questions.

How to Sign Up